01. I am not a professional in cinema, theatre or anything movie/critics-related. I just am a big fan of cinema and happen to be fan of Sebastian Stan too and this is why I wanted to put reviews on this website.
02. The reviews will be about the movie, not just about Sebastian. However, at the end of each review I will write my opinion on Sebastian Stan’s character and performance since this website is about him.
03. English is not my first language. So please, be nice. I’m not fluent in English and try to learn this language everyday. If you spot any mistake in my reviews (or in my site in general) don’t hesitate to notify me by writing a comment or filling the contact form you will find right here.
04. You can write your own review. On each review page, I will put a form you can fill with your review/opinion on the movie. My reviews can be rather long (depends if I have a lot of things to say or not) but yours can be whaterver length you want. It can also be just a sentence or a small comment, that part is really up to you.
05. I do not accept homophobic, racist, antisemistic or any reviews or comments including hate or any kind of disrespectful speeches. I also do not accept any NSFW content. Of course, you can talk about sex scenes (it’s hard not to while talking about ‘The Bronze’ or ‘Monday’) but please be polite and appropriate.
06. Do not hesitate to use the comment section. On each page and article available on this fansite, the comment section is open. Only the reviews and opinions will be shared on the review pages but if you want to react to a review or debate about a certain movie, you are more than welcome in the comment section.
07. Have Fun. I created this section in the first place so we can all share our point of view and feelings about Sebastian Stan’s movies. This is a place where we can share and debate about Sebastian’s acting and project so this is a safe place for everyone and every opinion is welcomed whether I agree with it or not. I’m not here to judge at all and I’m more than open to discuss and debate with you.
this document was last updated on September 15, 2021