If you want to become an affiliate of Adoring Sebatian Stan, please fill the form below. To see the complete list of fansites already affiliated to mine, check THIS PAGE.
Please note that if you don’t receive an answer by the end of the week you applied, it’s probably because the form didn’t work. In that case, don’t hesitate to contact me via email THERE.
TYPES OF AFFILIATIONS (and their meaning):
— Marvel Family: Basically gather every fansite about a celebrity who is part of the MCU franchise. If you own a fansite about one of these celebrities, this is the type of affiliate you want to chose in the following form. Note that if you don’t have a Marvel Family section on your fansite you can put me in your elite affiliates but you will be linked in the Marvel Family on my site.
— Co-Stars: The only difference with the Elite Affiliates is the fact that the fansites listed in this category are dedicated to celebritieswho are (or have been) co-stars of Sebastian Stan. Note that if you don’t have a Co-Stars section on your fansite you can put me in your elite affiliates but you will be linked in the Co-Stars on my site.
— Elite: Every other fansite can apply to this category. Note that I don’t do Top Affiliates so if you apply for the Elite Affiliates, you have to put me in your Elite too (or wathever equivalent you have on your fansite).
Click here to put a form like this on your site.